We like to start off our mornings with Scripture Time. As my babies are not quite 2 1/2, I try and keep it short and sweet. I'm always amazed at how much they pick up in our little morning jaunt in the scriptures.
I decided to start off with the Book of Mormon. It's very important to me that my kiddos are familiar with the stories found in the scriptures, I believe that creating familiarity is laying the groundwork for testimony. I searched far and wide through the vast expanses of the internet to find a toddler scripture reading program that would work for us. I ended up gleaning from several different sites and creating what works for us.
Our weekly schedule is as follows -
Monday - Introduce the story with pictures and songs
Tuesday - Quick retell of story, art project with songs
Wednesday - Acting out the story with songs
Thursday - Art project or reenacting with songs
Friday - Reviewing the story with different medium (flannel board etc.)
We use many different resources for these activities, but I think it is important to mention here that we are as poor as church mice at the moment. My husband is in the last portion of his residency and money is exceptionally tight. Almost everything I use is either free, next to free, been given to us, or has been carefully evaluated and considered worth the purchase price. I find it so discouraging to come across something that I think will be great for our family only to realize we can't afford it. So the resources seen here will be cost effective because that is just the way we roll. :)
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